A New Kind of Diet

Summer is rapidly approaching and bikini season is beginning. That means that I’ve heard the words “weight,” “fat,” and “diet” at an increasing rate lately, and quite frankly, I’m getting tired of it.

I have friends telling me, “oh, I’m just losing a couple of pounds to get in shape and tone my stomach for when I hop into my swimsuit.” I’ve heard from others about how they’re cutting out certain foods, or even restricting completely. They’re trying to attain that “ideal body” so that they can feel better about themselves when they slip on that yellow polka dot bikini. But you know what? Losing weight, controlling food intake, starving yourself…these things won’t make you happy.

Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend about her high school-aged daughter’s temptations to lose weight. She said that she’s been feeling like she needs to stop eating in order to be accepted. She is a beautiful girl with many talents, but her weight has been at the top of her mind lately, clouding everything else out. And it breaks my heart.

How did we become such a weight-obsessed society? Why are there more articles and websites promoting weight loss than love and respect for our bodies? Why does it have to be this way? It doesn’t. We can stop this trend and turn it around. I dream of the day when I can pick up a magazine in the grocery store and not see any ads for weight loss pills or information on the latest diet trend.

I’ve gone down the diet route. I went so far down that road that I landed myself on a cold, hard bed in the emergency room, wires strapped to my chest, being told that I was on the brink of death. I had starved and worked myself to the point that my body was no longer functioning. I could barely muster out a single word because I didn’t have the energy to make a sound. Only broken whispers brushed past my lips as I answered the slew of questions being thrown at me.

I thought weight loss was my key to happiness. I thought that if I toned up and wiggled my way into a smaller size then I would be more loved and the memories of my past would disappear. I thought that I would be free, happy, and beautiful. Well guess what? None of that happened.

In the end, I learned that with every pound I lost, I also lost a part of who I am. I lost my happiness, my joy, my ability to hold a conversation, my friends, my relationships with my family, my grades, and so much more. I was completely trapped in my own mind, and no matter what other people said, I didn’t feel like it was ever enough.

Now, I’m not saying that every diet leads to anorexia or that we should all just slam down billions of calories a day. I understand that there are medical reasons that would necessitate a reduction in weight. But most of the time, people who start these diets do it because of an inner struggle of identity and self-esteem. They think that cutting out certain foods or spending hours upon hours in the gym will magically cure all their problems. This is where the problem is. This is what needs to change. The idea that weight=worth. That, my friends, is simply not true.

So, before you consider that summer diet or bottle of pills, take a moment to think. Is dropping a couple of numbers on the scale really going to make you feel better? Are you going to wake up and feel like a new person once that swimsuit finally fits? I’m willing to bet that if you can’t accept yourself for who you are now, losing weight will only lead to a reduction in mass, not a decrease in sadness or increase in friends, love, or self-worth.

I think we should start a new kind of diet. One that focuses on the positive aspects of ourselves and silences the lies that says we’re not enough. I suggest we begin to actively embrace our bodies for what and how they are at this very moment. If you’re reading this, that means you’re alive. And if you’re alive, then that means that you have a functioning body that is working hard to make sure you are still able to breathe, read, and live. Why are we so quick to reject this beautiful creation?

Let’s choose to spread love and stop dieting. Let’s decide to live healthily but not in deprivation. Let’s make up our minds to respect our bodies and take care of them like they’re the only ones we’re ever gonna get. Because, well, this is it. As long as you’re on earth, you’re stuck in this body. You might as well learn to love it.




Summer Love

I’ve been out of school for almost a week, and it feels great. Well, technically I’m still in school since I am taking some online classes, but I don’t have to be in a physical classroom for another few months. It’s been a busy week of helping my mom in her classroom, cleaning the house, and going to a friend’s house for the weekend.

I’m still in disbelief that it’s already summer. I keep feeling like I’m just on Spring Break or something and I’ll be returning to school soon, but no! That’s not the case-I actually get to move back in and stay at home. My stress levels are decreasing as this realization finally sinks in. After such a crazy year, I needed this break.

I have a little over a month before my summer picks up speed. There are some days when I can’t help but feel completely unproductive with my days, and I’m trying to keep that to a minimum. I don’t think spending a month chilling on the couch is the best use of my time, so I’m going to need to be creative. I think I’ll do some cooking before the heat of summer fully arrives. I’ll also catch up on some sewing (I need to make some new crutch covers because the ones right now are filled with holes!), read a few books, and probably do some OT shadowing.

The beauty of summer (almost) makes up for the completely brutal winter we had this year. I love the sound of birds chirping, the smell of blooming lilacs, and the sunshine beaming through my windows. People seem lighter and happier, friends are more available, and there’s less stress. It’s a beautiful thing.

Thanks, summer, for finally arriving. I have a feeling this is going to be a great 3 months.

Another Year Over

Well, I can officially say that I’m done with another year of school! This is a particularly big accomplisment for myself because it’s the first time I’ve made it through a full academic year without being in the hospital since about…7th grade. Somehow I managed to stay away from doctors, nurses, and therapists from September until May. Success.

The significance of this accomplishment didn’t hit me until tonight. You see, in August, I wasn’t even sure I’d be able to start school again. I was in the hospital and couldn’t use my legs or arms well. When September rolled around and I found myself in a college dorm, I was elated. But there was always that small voice in the back of my mind that kept me on edge, wondering if I’d make it a full year.

One full school year with no major falls (I only slipped on the ice one time, and my backpack was a nice cushion), no dropped plates or bowls in the dining hall (see, dining hall workers-I told you I could do it on my own), no medications and no appointments. Wow.

Most people go through school and never have to plan for the possibility of having to leave. They take their occasional sick days but it’s usually nothing more than strep throat. My life is different. I have to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.

I think it’s good that I took a treatment break this year because it allowed me to dive into my studies without extra distractions. I didn’t have to worry about finding rides to physical therapy or dealing with medication side effects. I only had to focus on the pile of textbooks, not the growing mound of medical bills. And, although my health hasn’t exactly gotten better, it hasn’t gotten terribly worse either. So it’s just stable in that department…which, for now, is good enough.

I feel such a sense of relief now that my finals are over and I don’t have to worry about going back to my school. I’m opening up a new chapter of life, leaving the past behind. We’ll see what happens!


There are some days when I just feel like this:


Looking at my to-do list, thinking about everything that needs to be done…it just gets to be overwhelming. So what do I do? Well, I tend to shut down and do nothing. Super effective, right? Probably not. The stress of life has been building recently (but after my last final tonight I have a feeling things will get better!) and I’ve been tempted to just do nothing.

Confronting a challenge with stagnancy is not the way to go. Whether it’s studying for finals, packing up in preparation for a move, or projects that are waiting to be finished, they just aren’t going to get done by themselves. Instead of letting the ever-increasing stress load overwhelm you, try to think of some better options. Here are some (healthier, more productive) things that I do when I’m stressed…

  • Write. Oh hey, look-that’s what I’m doing right now!
  • Take things in chunks. Work on the to-do list for 45 minutes, then take a break for 15.
  • Vent. Let it out. Talk to someone who will reassure you that this too shall pass.
  • Take a walk. I had a lovely walk around campus last night that lifted my spirits and gave me the extra boost that I needed to study.
  • Take a snooze. But not a long one! A fifteen minute nap can do wonders.
  • Put on some music. Whatever it takes to get into a better mindset.
  • Draw. Doodle. Let my mind wander for a bit.

Stress is not good for our minds or our bodies, so it’s important to keep it in check. Don’t let your stress levels reach crazy heights-catch it before it becomes too much to handle. Life does have stressful moments, but they usually pass with time. When I get caught up in the moment I just have to remind myself that things will get better and soon all this chaos will just be a memory.

After Finals Week is over and I’m settled back in at home, I think I’m going to treat myself to a day of relaxation. A full 24 hours where I can do what I want without allowing myself to feel guilt about “wasting time” or not being productive enough. I need to regain a good mindset and prepare for the joys and busyness that come with the summer months!

Let’s all just break up with stress. Life is better when stress simply doesn’t exist. Okay, enough with my wishful thinking.

Thanks for stopping by 🙂