A Ray of Sunshine

There are some people in the world who just make life difficult. You know the people I’m talking about…the ones you dread coming into contact with. But then, on the other side of the spectrum, there are those people who simply make life better just by being around. The ones who get little acknowledgement but do a great deal of wonders for the world.

This summer, the janitor at the building I worked in was one of those people. Kind, thoughtful, and always ready to cheer you up. He hardly gets any recognition for his work, but he is always ready to give of himself a little more.

People like this man are like rays of sunshine leaking light into the darkness. When he met me, he noticed my crutches and asked what happened. I told him, and he gave me a big smile and encouragement that things will get better. He said, “don’t you worry. You’ll be walking and running again someday.” Now, there are the people who say things like that to weasel their way out of an awkward situation where they don’t know what to say. But the way that he said it was different. It was filled with heart, filled with hope.

The next week, he gave me a new nickname…Kryptonite. It took me a minute to realize the play on words that was going on, but when it clicked, I actually liked it. It took the usual “crip” or “crippled” name and added a fun spin. I appreciated having that name rather than being called “the girl on crutches.”

I soon learned why this man’s words seemed so genuine, so heartfelt. He told me a bit about his life, explaining that he was never supposed to walk. Born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, he endured a great number of medical problems in his early life. To add to that, his mother passed away shortly after giving birth. You would never know about this man’s struggles by simply looking at him. He works with a smile, does his job well, and always cheers people up.

We need more people like this in the world. People who aren’t afraid to put their needs aside for the sake of another person. People who see the joy in life rather than dwelling on the things we can’t change. We need more rays of sunshine in this dark and depressing life.

Take some time to be kind to someone today. A smile, a kind word of encouragement, or a sincere compliment can go a long way. You never know who needs that extra burst of sunshine.


{Photo Cred: She Wears Many Hats}
