Twisted Plans

“If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal.” -Unknown

Yesterday I made the journey back to school after a lovely Spring Break. Normally my dad drives me since I can’t, but my uncle just got a job out here so he was headed this way anyways and let me tag along. It’s a 2 hour drive from my house so we had lots of time to chat. Without going into too much detail, my uncle has had some health challenges this past year that really scrambled up his plans for life. He was told that he may never be able to work again after the things that happened, but today he started his new job, proving everyone wrong.

Watching people overcome their challenges is so encouraging. This past year threw a curveball at my uncle but he is up and ready to tackle life again. We share a similar story in this way since neither of us knew that we’d face such crazy health issues, although they are completely different from one another. We  both have had to make many twists and turns, erasing our original plans and going with the flow. The straight and narrow path that was once envisioned has been muddied up with life’s changes and we’re learning how to readjust.

Part of having chronic pain, or any illness, really, is learning how to be flexible. The perfect day we planned might not be so glamorous when we wake up in too much pain or too sick to complete the daily agenda. The ideal job might fall from our hands when we are suddenly unable to meet the demands it requires of us. School might have to be delayed, vacations postponed, or appointments rescheduled. Life just isn’t straight and clear when you have an illness.

Even though I am definitely one who likes to plan everything out, the twisted plans of life can sometimes open the door to new opportunities and chances to do things we wouldn’t have otherwise done. It’s hard for other people to understand our changing plans at times, but we have to do what is best for ourselves and our health. I have had people questioning some of my decisions, such as staying out of school for a bit or switching to a new college, but ultimately I have to do what I believe will be best.

If your initial plans get a little fuzzy or twisted, don’t lose heart. One way or another, you’ll be able to reach those goals if you keep pressing on and don’t give up. So what if it takes longer? So what if you have to go the non-conventional route? Do what you have to do, and never lose sight of your dreams.



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